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BOTOX® Injections Into the Masseter Muscle

This is ideal for patients who are grinding, clenching, or wearing out their teeth to point they need a lot of dental work. It can also be for patients who have frequent tension or migraine headaches related to clenching or grinding of teeth. 

Some people eat or shop when they get stressed. Some CLINCH & GRIND! Not only are you potentially causing your self tension headaches / migraines but also all that pressure on your teeth and gums can lead to more problems down the road and lots of money in dental work. 

Injecting Botox into your masseter muscles  will relax the muscle making clinching and grinding a thing of the past.

This is also great if you suffer from TMJ. Eliminate additional costs with your Hospitals and Surgery Centers. Call today to set up your appointment!


"Ever since I got Botox injected into my jaw, I haven't had a headache. It has been life changing for me" -Natalie, Deja Vu Patient

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