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What Is BOTOX®?

BOTOX® is the number one cosmetic treatment in the United States.

A migraine headache is like no other headache. Sufferers describe their headaches as being excruciatingly painful, often beyond description. Nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound often accompany a migraine.

An estimated 28 million Americans suffer from migraines with more women than men having the condition. A migraine can last from hours to several days. Fortunately, migraine headaches tend to fade away after age 50 for many patients.

About 20% of patients have an aura prior to the headache lasting about 30 minutes. During this period, patients may notice tingling sensations, flashing lights, wavy lines in their visual field and even partial loss of vision.


for Medical BOTOX® treatments with the BOTOX® SAVINGS PROGRAM

Migraine Treatment

Migraine headache patients have benefited greatly by numerous advances in the understanding and treatment of migraines over the last several decades. We now have effective medications for the treatment and prevention of migraines. However, even with the best medicines available, some patients still suffer from uncontrolled migraines. Some of these patients may benefit from Botox® injections to reduce the frequency of their attacks. If patients do not get control of their migraines with conventional care, they should consider Botox as a treatment option. Botox® can be very helpful for prevention of headaches in patients who suffer from frequent, severe migraine headaches. Botox® was first approved for human use in 1989 for certain muscle spasms. It was subsequently approved for the cosmetic treatment of glabellar (frown) lines in 2002. Physicians noticed, over time, many cosmetic Botox® patients reported significant reduction in the frequency of their migraines. After clinical trials to test the effectiveness of Botox® in the prevention of migraine headaches, it was approved for this purpose in 2010. To qualify for Botox® treatment, a migraine patient must have 15 or more days per month with headache lasting four hours a day or longer. We have over a decade of experience using Botox® in our clinic for migraines. If you are disabled by migraines of this frequency and duration, you should call Déjà vu Skin & Health Center to schedule an appointment. We will carefully evaluate your history to help you decide if Botox® might be beneficial for you.

Insurance Coverage

Most insurance companies, including Medicare, cover Botox® injections for migraine prevention in patients who meet the severity requirements listed above.

Eliminate Additional Hospital & Surgery Center Charges

We are a small, private practice located in Newburgh, Indiana. We consult and treat with Botox® right here in our own office. Call 812-490-SKIN now for more information or to setup your consultation.

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